
Mid South Feeds offers complete feeds, concentrates, super concentrates (for use with locally available ingredients), and custom blending.

Click below to view the standard formulations

Products can be manufactured by your formulation. Click here to inquire about custom feed. With simple percentages of each ingredient, Mid-South Feeds will make and deliver the exact mixture you need.

Any combination of available ingredients is possible. For example, the following mixture such as:

94% Soy + 6% Animal Fat
 = 100% total

Most of the ingredients are available  individually

No whole grains, please

Our Brunswick, Georgia facilities are not currently equipped for large quantities of whole grains - though we would be delighted to quote whole grains for shipment from other ports.

Feed may be manufactured to your nutrients specifications - you furnish:

  1. Kind of feed (i.e. broiler)
  2. Inclusion rate (i.e. 35%) in finished ration
  3. Percent Protein
  4. Met. Energy Cal/Kilo
  5. Percent Lysine
  6. Percent Methionine plus Cystine
  7. Percent Calcium
  8. Percent Available Phosphorus

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